Event Information 京和晒綿紗 × 松屋銀座 9/24-10/7 KYO WAZASHI MENSYA in MASTUYA GINZA
- 2014.09.24 (Wed)
- イベント
ガーゼのホームリネン 京和晒綿紗 KYO WAZARASHI MENSYA
松屋銀座 7F 寝具売場
9/24 WED. - 10/7 TUE.
9/24 WED. - 10/7 TUE.
KYO WAZARASHI MENSYA is a house linen made from the cotton gauze.
You will find move of our fine products than ever before during this promotin.
Please feel and experience the newest natural vegetable dyed Pajamas for example.
Please feel and experience the newest natural vegetable dyed Pajamas for example.
MATSUYA GINZA 7th floor The Bedding corner
9/24 WED. - 10/7 TUE.
9/24 WED. - 10/7 TUE.